Medical Clinic of Osh State University

University Structures Clinic of OshSU

Medical Clinic of Osh State University

The educational process of students of the Faculty of Medicine is very difficult, due to the location of educational and practical buildings in different areas of the city. Reforms of medical education in Kyrgyz Republic required clinical base under medical faculty. Then Head of University Isakov began construction of medical clinic in campus Ak-Buura. The medical clinic of Osh State University was opened on November 24, 2014 at the initiative of the rector professor IsakovKanybekAbdiv Sitovich.

Professor Muratov Zhanibek Kudaybakovich made a great contribution for the construction and for the opening of the medical clinic.

 However, due to the lack of a state license in December 2015, it was temporarily transferred to private ownership until March 2020 to Muratov Abdisamat Kudaybakovich.

The wave of the pandemic crowns of the virus did not pass us by. Seeing so many victims  and patients Osh State University could not stand to the side. The city did not have enough beds for patients, in connection with this, from March 2020, it was decided to give the clinic to the red zone for coronavirus patients.

At the end of August, the situation in the country stabilized,the medical clinic was returned to the university, having served a great service for the city and people.

From September 2020, it was decided to resume the work of the clinic and repairs were started at the head of the rector and director of the medical clinic. 

The medical clinic is making more and more development plans and the latest equipment and technology have been acquired and are ready to be used for the benefit of all employees and students of the university.

The mission of the clinic is to introduce methods of treatment and diagnosis of diseases to prolong and improve the quality of life of patients on the basis of evidence. Caring for an integrated high-tech medical care to patients at and his family members in decision-making related to health and well-being.

The aim of the clinic:

- The provision of medical of public services, including primary health care, etc.  specialized treatment, including high-tech's services to the population of the south of the Kyrgyz Republic . 

- creating conditions for organizing and conducting the educational process for the training, retraining and advanced training of medical and pharmaceutical personnel, taking into account modern requirements.

-providing conditions for research activities, development and implementation of new highly effective medical technologies.

- formation and maintenance of close working relationships in the team of the clinic, with partners and other public institutions.





Email address


PhD Imetova Zhazgul Bukarbaevna

077 2 006020

0557 006020

jimetova @

Deputy direktorforNursing


0773 001577

shbateeva @


Deputy direktora of economic affairs





iismailov @

